Source code for pyls.types.meancentered

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import warnings
import numpy as np
from ..base import BasePLS
from ..structures import _pls_input_docs
from .. import compute, utils

class MeanCenteredPLS(BasePLS):
    def __init__(self, X, groups=None, n_cond=1, mean_centering=0, n_perm=5000,
                 n_boot=5000, n_split=100, rotate=True, ci=95,
                 permsamples=None, bootsamples=None, seed=None,
                 verbose=True, n_proc=None, **kwargs):

        # check that groups and conditions are set appropriately
        if groups is None:
            if len(X) // n_cond != len(X) / n_cond:
                raise ValueError('Provided `X` matrix with {} samples is not '
                                 'evenly divisible into {} conditions. Please '
                                 'confirm inputs are correct and try again. '
                                 .format(len(X), n_cond))
            groups = [len(X) // n_cond]
        elif not isinstance(groups, (list, np.ndarray)):
            groups = [groups]

        # check inputs for validity
        if n_cond == 1 and len(groups) == 1:
            raise ValueError('Cannot perform PLS with only one group and one '
                             'condition. Please confirm inputs are correct.')
        if n_cond == 1 and mean_centering == 0:
            warnings.warn('Cannot set mean_centering to 0 when there is only '
                          'one condition. Resetting mean_centering to 1.')
            mean_centering = 1
        elif len(groups) == 1 and mean_centering == 1:
            warnings.warn('Cannot set mean_centering to 1 when there is only '
                          'one group. Resetting mean_centering to 0.')
            mean_centering = 0

        # instantiate base class, generate dummy array, and run PLS analysis
        super().__init__(X=np.asarray(X), groups=groups, n_cond=n_cond,
                         mean_centering=mean_centering, n_perm=n_perm,
                         n_boot=n_boot, n_split=n_split, rotate=rotate, ci=ci,
                         permsamples=permsamples, bootsamples=bootsamples,
                         seed=seed, verbose=verbose, n_proc=n_proc, **kwargs)
        self.inputs.Y = utils.dummy_code(self.inputs.groups,
        self.results = self.run_pls(self.inputs.X, self.inputs.Y)

    def gen_covcorr(self, X, Y, **kwargs):
        Computes mean-centered matrix from `X` and `Y`

        X : (S, B) array_like
            Input data matrix, where `S` is observations and `B` is features
        Y : (S, T) array_like
            Dummy coded input array, where `S` is observations and `T`
            corresponds to the number of different groups x conditions. A value
            of 1 indicates that an observation belongs to a specific group or

        mean_centered : (T, B) np.ndarray
            Mean-centered matrix

        mean_centered = compute.get_mean_center(X, Y, self.inputs.n_cond,
        return mean_centered

    def gen_distrib(self, X, Y, original, *args, **kwargs):
        Finds contrast for single bootstrap resample

        X : (S, B) array_like
            Input data matrix, where `S` is observations and `B` is features
        Y : (S, T) array_like
            Dummy coded input array, where `S` is observations and `T`
            corresponds to the number of different groups x conditions. A value
            of 1 indicates that an observation belongs to a specific group or
        original : (B, L) array_like
            Left singular vectors from bootstrap

        distrib : (T, L)
            Contrast for single bootstrap resample

        usc = compute.get_mean_center(X, Y, self.inputs.n_cond,
        usc = usc @ compute.normalize(original)

        return np.row_stack([usc[g].mean(axis=0) for g in Y.T.astype(bool)])

    def make_permutation(self, X, Y, perminds):
        Permutes `X` according to `perminds`, leaving `Y` un-permuted

        X : (S, B) array_like
            Input data matrix, where `S` is observations and `B` is features
        Y : (S, T) array_like
            Input data matrix, where `S` is observations and `T` is features
        perminds : (S,) array_like
            Array by which to permute `X`

        Xp : (S, B) array_like
            `X`, permuted according to `perminds`
        Yp : (S, T) array_like
            Identical to `Y`

        return X[perminds], Y

    def run_pls(self, X, Y):
        Runs PLS analysis

        X : (S, B) array_like
            Input data matrix, where `S` is observations and `B` is features
        Y : (S, T) array_like, optional
            Dummy coded input array, where `S` is observations and `T`
            corresponds to the number of different groups x conditions. A value
            of 1 indicates that an observation belongs to a specific group or

        res : :obj:`pyls.structures.PLSResults`
            PLS results object

        res = super().run_pls(X, Y)
        res['y_scores'] = Y @ res['y_weights']

        # get normalized brain scores and contrast
        brainscores_dm = compute.get_mean_center(X, Y, self.inputs.n_cond,
                                                 False) @ res['x_weights']
        contrast = np.row_stack([brainscores_dm[grp].mean(axis=0) for grp
                                 in Y.T.astype(bool)])

        if self.inputs.n_boot > 0:
            # compute bootstraps
            distrib, u_sum, u_square = self.bootstrap(X, Y,

            # calculate bootstrap ratios and confidence intervals
            bs = res['x_weights'] @ res['singvals']
            bsrs, uboot_se = compute.boot_rel(bs, u_sum, u_square,
            corrci = np.stack(compute.boot_ci(distrib,, -1)

            # update results.boot_result dictionary

        # get rid of the stupid diagonal matrix
        res['varexp'] = np.diag(compute.varexp(res['singvals']))
        res['singvals'] = np.diag(res['singvals'])

        return res

[docs]def meancentered_pls(X, *, groups=None, n_cond=1, mean_centering=0, n_perm=5000, n_boot=5000, n_split=0, rotate=True, ci=95, permsamples=None, bootsamples=None, seed=None, verbose=True, n_proc=None, **kwargs): pls = MeanCenteredPLS(X=X, groups=groups, n_cond=n_cond, mean_centering=mean_centering, n_perm=n_perm, n_boot=n_boot, n_split=n_split, rotate=rotate, ci=ci, permsamples=permsamples, bootsamples=bootsamples, seed=seed, verbose=verbose, n_proc=n_proc, **kwargs) return pls.results
meancentered_pls.__doc__ = r""" Performs mean-centered PLS on `X`, sorted into `groups` and `conditions`. Mean-centered PLS is a multivariate statistical approach that attempts to find sets of variables in a matrix which maximally discriminate between subgroups within the matrix. While it carries the name PLS, mean-centered PLS is perhaps more related to principal components analysis than it is to :obj:`pyls.behavioral_pls`. In contrast to behavioral PLS, mean-centered PLS does not construct a cross- covariance matrix. Instead, it operates by averaging the provided data (`X`) within groups and/or conditions. The resultant matrix :math:`M` is mean-centered, generating a new matrix :math:`R_{{mean\_centered}}` which is submitted to singular value decomposition. Parameters ---------- {input_matrix} {groups} {conditions} {mean_centering} {stat_test} {split_half} {rotate} {ci} {resamples} {proc_options} Returns ---------- {pls_results} Notes ----- The provided `mean_centering` argument can be changed to highlight or "boost" potential group / condition differences by modifying how :math:`R_{{mean\_centered}}` is generated: - `mean_centering=0` will remove group means collapsed across conditions, emphasizing potential differences between conditions while removing overall group differences - `mean_centering=1` will remove condition means collapsed across groups, emphasizing potential differences between groups while removing overall condition differences - `mean_centering=2` will remove the grand mean collapsed across both groups _and_ conditions, permitting investigation of the full spectrum of potential group and condition effects. {decomposition_narrative} References ---------- {references} """.format(**_pls_input_docs)